Tuesday, July 20, 2010

First Good Book Tuesday

I read. A lot. I once got in trouble for reading in an English class. I figured I might as well share a book that I like and/ or am reading on Tuesdays.

I started reading Franny and Zooey after the news broke that Salinger had died. I remember reading Catcher in the Rye in High School and my teacher telling us that Salinger was a hermit who had a cabin in the woods. The rumor was that he sat in his cabin and wrote. He had stopped publishing by this time and just let the manuscripts pile up. In his will it was supposed to be stated that he wanted his cabin, along with all the manuscripts, burnt. I had loved Catcher in the Rye and knew I wanted to read more of Salingers work.

Franny and Zooey is about two siblings. Franny seems to be going through an existential break down based around religion and her up bringing in a family of geniuses. Zooey, her actor brother, tries to help her get through her melt down while relating to her and her views of their childhood abnormalities.

I love this book. I haven't finished it because it is one of those books where the characters are so intriguing I want to keep hanging out with them for as long as I can. I love the relationship that Franny and Zooey have and the very adult like way that they talk with one another. With the semi- new term "quarter life crisis" being used more frequently I think that this book sums up the extreme panic that a person can have if they examine their own life too much.

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