“That is my cat.” I told my mom.
While I decided on a name she was Free Kitty. I finally decided on Goblin. Goblin is a cat anomaly. She loves to cuddle and will always prefer to be around people. She loves sitting in things like boxes, cauldrons, and sinks. She also enjoys watching people brush their teeth.
When my ceiling collapsed and I moved back home Goblin had to stay with some friends since my mom, like me, is allergic to cats. Goblin had an unfortunate climbing accident that left her with a broken femur. After a long, emotional day she had her leg amputated.
This all being said let me talk a bit about why, two days back to school, I am skipping. Goblin is shedding. I am a finicky sleeper in the best situations. Add any irritating thing to my sleep environment and I get grouchy and can’t sleep. In a fit last week I cleaned my room. I dusted walls, swept the floor (twice but that makes me sounds neurotic), and changed my sheets and quilts. I was bound and determined that Goblin would not be able to lounge around my room until she was done shedding.
That didn’t work out.
Because she’s CUTE and my family loves her. She sits outside my door and meows and they melt and let her in when I’m not home.
So last night I was itchy. Not just a little but terribly, scratch your own face off, itchy. I felt like there was cat hair everywhere. Finally at four a.m. I went downstairs with a clean blanket and pillowcase to sleep on the couch. I closed my eyes and woke up to this not ten minutes later.
I gave up. I have had ten minutes of sleep all night.
So here I am, still in my pajamas. I will go sleep in my parents cat free room and hope that maybe with the aid of Nyquill I will be able to sleep.
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