Not sure what happened there but hopefully I can get back into the habit of blogging.
Last year I stopped doing a lot of things that I loved doing. The commercial for that depression medicine, the one with the little blob, yeah they got it. You just don't want to do ANYTHING and that includes things that you loved doing before. The biggest crimes against myself were to stop reading and to stop writing. This month has been an epic month for reading. I have zoomed through books in the same way that I once did and just spent two hours in Borders with Amanda the other day buying four new books. I am reading The Dark Tower series, The Mortal Instruments series, The Hunger Games series, and The Demons Lexicon series. That's a lot of series.
I also started to edit the last thing I wrote. I "finished" a rough rough rough draft of a story for NanoWriMo last year and have started to edit that as of this week. I hated my main character, had a confusing and rushed plot, and was worried that I wasn't getting the gothic/creepy/halloweeney vibe that I wanted across. Chapter by chapter I now at least have a main character that I like. Editing feels really good after so long, like cleaning out the closet that you shove everything into when you clean the rest of your room.
I'm having surgery on my foot next week and will be house bound for two weeks. What a perfect time to get back into my habits of reading and writing.
I'm also excited because I write some short stories for another blogger a few months ago and he should be putting them on his site soon. Super excited to see how my first attempt at ...well...erotic horror went.
I certainly hope you share/post the link to your erotic horror stories with the rest of us (er.. me). I want to see what you came up with!