Since last year I was sure that I was going to be Sherlock Holmes for Halloween. Last week I changed my mind. I was worried that it would be hard to decipher what I was and that the need for specific costume elements would convince me to pay more money for them. As I was thinking this over I flipped on The Skeleton Key and it made me realize two things. One, once I move I am NEVER going into the rural areas and Two, I should be a voodoo doll. So thats that. In my head it will be the cheapest (for sure as I am known for spending cringe worthy amounts on costumes) and the most creative (since my mom used to hand make my costumes anyway.) Even better, Branden has been talked into going as a voodoo priest/witch doctor guy.
like Dr, Facilier from The Princess and The Frog
Last night I went to my first Halloween event. Me and Branden plus his married friends, Joey and Chrissy went as nerds.
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We all had kick me signs which resulted in Branden and Joey getting kicked by a little kid in the gas station.
It was so much fun and it makes me even more excited for my next costume.